Team Development – Tuckman’s Model

Team Development – Tuckman’s Model

Teamwork cannot be switched on and off. I therefore propose to reverse the words and put in work first to get the team you want. Groups, however, don’t form spontaneously and do not immediately decide to become a team. They transition from being strangers to...
A culture of giving feedback

A culture of giving feedback

Are you maintaining a culture of giving feedback? Are you also asking for receiving feedback? Do you seek to understand the perspectives of the giver and the receiver? And. have you thought about how regular regular feedback should occur?Here are some ideas with...
Feeling welcome

Feeling welcome

If you want your team members to feel welcome, you have done something right. The other week, I ran a 121 session with a leader exploring the texture of his organization. When asking about how he would like his team members to feel at work, he said: Welcome. Welcome....
Are you a pro in active listening?

Are you a pro in active listening?

Do you take the time to focus on the speaker, and on what they are saying or not-saying? Are you present when you meet colleagues or distracted by doing something in parallel? Do you avoid judging, and acknowledge instead what you have heard?Here are six key active...