Uninterrupted speaking

When was the last time you knew that you will not be interrupted when speaking? That you were being granted time to think, reflect and indulge in your thoughts? That you were given a space to think?

To experience this, try out “Thinking pairs” (credits: Nancy Kline):

  • Agree on a thinking out loud time of e.g. 5 minutes per person.
  • Agree on who is going to think first and who in turn is going to listen.
  • The listener listens with their presence and in silence.
  • Set the (audible) timer.
  • The listener starts the thinking time by asking “What do you want to think about?”
  • If  the “thinker” goes into silence after 1-2 minutes, the listener may gently encourage the other person to continue by asking “What else?”  
  • When the timer rings, change. Do not exchange any views or feelings at this point.
  • After the second round, each person shares a few words of appreciation. Let these words be succinct, specific and sincere.

[Photo by Burly Vinson on Pexels]

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