When do you really listen?

When do you really listen?

What does it mean to deeply listen to someone? To me it means to take a real interest in what the other person has to say. What would you say? It sounds so easy: To listen to someone. To be interested in what the other person has to say. I have found that neither of...
Uninterrupted speaking

Uninterrupted speaking

When was the last time you knew that you will not be interrupted when speaking? That you were being granted time to think, reflect and indulge in your thoughts? That you were given a space to think?To experience this, try out “Thinking pairs” (credits:...
Are you a pro in active listening?

Are you a pro in active listening?

Do you take the time to focus on the speaker, and on what they are saying or not-saying? Are you present when you meet colleagues or distracted by doing something in parallel? Do you avoid judging, and acknowledge instead what you have heard?Here are six key active...