Pulse Surveys, a listening tool

Are you constantly listening to your employees? Annual in-depth employee surveys deliver detailed feedback. Regular pulse checks, however, will provide real-time insights and actionable items to manage culture, create communication, and build trust.

Some ideas when drafting pulse surveys:

  • Why: What information are you looking for and how will the results be used?
  • Who:  Are you looking for feedback from across the organization or from distinct groups of employees?
  • When: Don’t stretch teams in terms of frequency and reminders. Take into account any other initiatives that may run in parallel.
  • What: Pulse survey questions should collect quick and actionable responses. Have them address a specific need.
  • Now what? Create a follow-up action plan on comms and feedback.

Please remember: Only gather feedback as often as you are able to act on it.

[Photo by Pixabay on Pexels]

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