Create a ritual to increase impact

Create a ritual to increase impact

What rituals will you create this year in your organization that will make an impact? That will change behavior, or that will bring your team together? Whereas a habit is something an employee maintains and nourishes on an individual levek, a ritual is generally...
Speaking about transparency…

Speaking about transparency…

How transparent is your organization? How transparent are you as a leader? How much transparency do you need versus how much do you want? Being transparent is a long-term effort and daily work. It requires consistency and steadiness, and it may not always be as easy...
Podcast on retrospectives

Podcast on retrospectives

Connection is one of the six C’s in Lisa Partridge’s business, Sixcomms, and we were able to deepen our connection in a podcast episode that is out now. What is a connection that you have most recently created, refreshed or deepened? In the podcast...
When do you really listen?

When do you really listen?

What does it mean to deeply listen to someone? To me it means to take a real interest in what the other person has to say. What would you say? It sounds so easy: To listen to someone. To be interested in what the other person has to say. I have found that neither of...