Quick exercise to change perspectives

Quick exercise to change perspectives

Are you in need of a quick and fun exercise to illustrate how easy it can sometimes be to change perspectives? Here you go. Point a finger towards the ceiling/sky, arm outstretched and draw a circle about a 2 feet wide above your head clockwise.While keeping your...
How high is your empathy score?

How high is your empathy score?

My empathy score is 84 out of 110, indicating a high level of empathy in general. How about yours? If you are interested in understanding your general level of empathy towards others, why don’t you take the empathy quiz provided by the Greater Good magazine...
Why asking “Why”?

Why asking “Why”?

Why asking “Why”? Have you ever wondered about this question? A “Why” will lead to a reason or purpose. Asking “Why” five times will lead to deeper reasons and a better purpose.Why would you care about this exercise? You’d...
One thing you do not know about me

One thing you do not know about me

How empathetic are you? Do you try seeing the world through other people’s eyes? How can you practice putting your own preconceived ideas aside choosing to understand the ideas, thoughts, and needs of others instead? Empathy is the first part of Design Thinking,...
To change perspectives, change the question

To change perspectives, change the question

When have you last tried to change your perspective? To look at the same problem with fresh eyes? To reconsider your own assumptions allowing new possibilities to open up and different views to enrich your trail of thought? One exercise I can recommend: To change...