One-on-Ones, a development tool

Are you carefully preparing for your One-on-Ones? Do you use these (hopefully very regular) conversations as a communications and development tool? How can you ensure both sides feel comfortable about the way these conversations run?

Some food for thought:

  • Define: Agree on rules of engagement. Define the length and rhythm but also how you deal with cancellation or postponement of set dates to ensure recognition and the respect of time and agendas.
  • Prepare: What is the most important thing you would like to discuss during the next One-on-One? If it requires preparation from the other person before the meeting, let him/her know in advance.
  • Specify: Create a shared understanding of the question to be discussed. Do not generalize but be as specific as possible to help each other come to an agreement.
  • Be honest and kind: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be considerate in how you address topics or issues.

[Photo by Jessica Lewis on Pexels]

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